Winter & Company takes responsibility: socially as well as for our environment. Read more about our social engagement and sustainability standards.
«My job at Winter & Company is to develop new products, further develop existing ones and ensure the quality of the materials together with our partners. This requires know-how from very different disciplines: from functionality and material properties to knowledge of the different markets and their special requirements. My innate curiosity, my great patience, creativity and of course my experience from almost 40 years in the company make me just the right person for these tasks.
From the beginning, environmental issues have been very close to my heart. I originally trained as a carpenter, and the fascination for wood and other natural materials has remained with me. I am committed to ensuring that we produce as little waste as possible in the cutting process and that we develop our new products from recyclable materials. Winter & Company has a vision to offer sustainable alternatives in all product groups - and I drive this vision forward with my work every day, especially with future generations in mind.
One of my heartfelt projects, for example, is the book cover Toile Ocean, which we launched in 2021. Toile Ocean is an ideal example of our aspiration to create a sustainable product in which ecology, social responsibility and economy go hand in hand.»
Leading designers, converters and international brands have trusted us for over 130 years – for cover materials that set standards in creativity, quality and sustainability. We owe this success above all to employees like Danny Grossenbacher, who are personally on duty for you at 24 locations worldwide.