Sept. 14, 2021


The launch of sustainable products is top priority at WINTER & COMPANY. The family-owned company is characterised by ecological commitment and social sustainability. At each of our companies, environmentally friendly behaviour is lived every day.

Whether papers are natural, coated, or flocked they all contain wood pulp. This is why WINTER & COMPANY support forests. Since 2019, the company has planted 8,300 trees worldwide with . Across India, Zambia and Brazil, a total of 6.35 hectares have been reforested.

Learn more about the projects here.

Forests are one lung of our planet and the oceans the other. The launch of TOILE OCEAN supports the recycling of ocean plastic. Our company invests 1% of product sales in a clean drinking water project for schools and households in Uganda.

      WINTER & COMPANY employees care about their environment. This can be seen, in the commitment of the company's subsidiary in the UK. WINTER & COMPANY UK has won two awards for its commitment to sustainability in the community (sustainable communities pledge). Huntingdonshire District Council awarded the company bronze and silver for its improved waste management and consistent employee training.

          Economic and social sustainability is also of great importance to us. At WINTER & COMPANY, employees have been working for the company on average for more than 16 years. Our workforce is 51% women. With these figures, the family business in its fourth generation shows stability and a sense of balance.

          Learn More


          Your Winter & Company contacts in Europe, Asia and the USA will advise you competently, creatively and personally. Click on the worldmap to find your local contact.


            Winter & Company Gmbh

            Reutackerstr. 16
            DE-79591 Eimeldingen


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